Return to Perinthos Volunteer Instructions

Trello for Self-Organized Collaboration

We will be using a Trello Site to coordinate the production of the published book, Return to Perinthos, being generated by the Jennell Jaquays Memorial Game Jam and Fundraiser. If you would like to participate, the first step is to create a Trello account and add yourself as a member of the board using the link below. Please be kind and do not interfere with the work of other volunteers. We have a need for writers, illustrators, editors, and graphic designers.

Process for Collaboration

There is a a six stage pipeline for moving work from various stages of completion before getting content into the book. Each stage is listed below in its own section. If you want to pick up a task, you need to add yourself to the card, complete the task, attach your final product to the card, move the card forward in the process, and then remove yourself from the card.

Stage 1 - Needs Writing


A map illustration with no key.


A manuscript for a map key. This should be in the format of a Word Doc. Move the card forward to Stage 3, "Needs Editing," once you have attached your manuscript in addition to the illustration. After you have moved the card forward, please remove yourself from the card, so someone else can claim the task.

Stage 2 - Needs Map Illustration


A manuscript for a map key without an illustration.


An illustration to accompany the manuscript. Please attach this as a 300DPI PNG, preferably in CMYK color or B&W. Once you have attached the image, you can move the Trello Card forward to Stage 3, "Needs Editing," and then can remove yourself from the card, so someone else can claim the next task.

Stage 3 - Needs Editing


An illustration of a map and a manuscript for a map key.


An illustration of a map, and a manuscript with complete copy and line editing. Please replace the original manuscript on the card with your revised version once you have completed your edits. You can then move the card forward to Stage 4, "Needs Layout," and remove yourself from the card.

Stage 4 - Needs Layout


A complete map illustration and edited manuscript for a map key.


A laid out PDF with containing the map illustration and the map key.

Once you have uploaded your complete spread, you can move it forward to Stage 5, "Ready for Final Placement," and can remove yourself from the card.

Stage 5 - Ready for Final Placement

These pages are all good to go. They will be added to the master book by David Wilkie and will be added to the Table of Contents.

Spot Art

If you would like to contribute illustrations for use as spot art in the book, you can attach them to an entry that is in Stages 1-4 that has not yet been claimed by a contributor at Stage 4, "Needs Layout." You attach a 300dpi PNG of your illustration to the card if you would like for it to be included.

You can also add miscellaneous spot art as its own card on the list titled "Misc Spot Art."